*** The best safer-use present for sniffer and snoops *** From now on: Delivery to switzerland, austria, spain, portugal, italy, france and many more New: Qualitative and quantitative testkits for MDMA, psilocybin, THC/CBD und LSD Breaking News: From now on SchneeRöhrchen Clipper available in the shop! Welcome, glad to see you on our website. We are very proud to present the first individually engraved snifftube in the world wide web. Who doesn't know it - you want to party with your best friends and then someone grabs a dirty banknote out of his wallet to roll a snifftube out of it. THAT'S ENOUGH OF THAT! Here you have the opportunity to buy a nose friendly glass sniff tube with an individual declaration of love for yourselves - or the ones you love! We offer an allround feel-good box consisting of - individually engraved glass sniff tube (8.2cm length, 8.3mm diameter) - brush - grindercard - microfiber cloth - a metal box - a fluffy flocked inlay - Our glasstubes are equipped with a glass "dot" on one side to prevent uncontrolled rolling. That's how a SchneeRöhrchen looks like: Our x. instagram account has been banned, at the moment we're running the account lassmeinvolkziehen - don't know how long this time. If you have any questions: Simply write a message using the contact form and we will answer immediately. We keep you up to date and wish much fun having party.
your SchneeRöhrchen-team P.S.: We do not sell drugs but laserengraved glass tubes |
Out now: Colored tubes with colored motives and a glass dot
All showed actions are contrived. All recordings are within the legal provisions of Germany. We distance ourselves from any form of violence and drug abuse.
Declarations according to § 5 TMG:
Wenger & Krautwasser GbR
78467 Konstanz, BW
Tax ID: DE815331105
Dominik Wenger
Holger Krautwasser
In urgent cases, Mo. - Fr. 8:00 Uhr - 18:00 Uhr : +49 (0) 176/ 307 53 921